Tuesday 9 September 2014

Social Media VS The Industrial Revolution

Hello to all.

Thank you for checking out my blog. This is my first post and this week we are going to be talking about my personal perception of social media and how great of an impact it has had on our society.

My personal perception of social media comes with mixed feelings. On the one hand i understand it is a great way to keep in touch with friends, get current information on a number of different topics such as your favorite sports team, or the latest gadgets from apple. On the other hand i find it strange when i see people taking "selfies" for their Instagram or are constantly scrolling through their Facebook feed to keep up on all the groups they have followed. It seems like people get more gratification from people liking something on their social media platform than they do from actually experiencing the event they are at. I do suppose that is the "extreme" side of social media but it does turn me off using most social media for anything other than planning events to actually go see friends or get updates from time to time.

As for how social media effects society, i believe it has had an enormous impact. I can't say it is as big an impact as the industrial revolution since that was a complete remodeling of the way business is performed and greatly increased productivity on all fronts, but businesses having access to social media has benefited them greatly. For one it gives small businesses a platform to get their company so publicity. Facebook profiles that can have a restaurants location and menu can easily bring in new customers that are looking for a new place to eat. Companies that are run out of peoples homes can let people know what they are selling and contact information to try and bring in new business where as in the past they would have to invest in advertising to be able to attract new clients. THIS is a link to a Facebook page of a small business in Oshawa. This page allows them to keep their followers up to date on sales and upcoming events in store. For big businesses platforms like twitter are an easy way to keep investors and interested parties up to date on new progress being made and plans they may have for the future.

If i had to give my overall opinion on social media i would have to say that it has had a positive effect on our society. The negative effects it can cause by giving a bunch of arrogant, annoying people a platform to share all their pictures on is far out weighted by the positives it can have for connectivity and supplying information and knowledge of all types.


  1. Hello Jeff, I agree with your perception of Social Media, it does give off mixed feelings. Some people including myself rely on Social Media a lot to a point where they will be checking it every second. However from a business point of view, Social Media tools such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram have given them a HUGE boost in the knowing of their company and what they sell. These tools allow companies to let followers of them know about special deals and even sudden closures of the store. Overall your blog has provided a great points on how Social Media is a useful tool to Business'.

  2. Hi Jeff, i also agree with how u see social media except for me it is not mixed feelings as i feel as far as things like twitter and facebook go they are used for worthless reasons most of the time a huge junk with facebook being that most people dont even talk to anyone they jsut sent spam requests about some stupid game they are playing on it
